Beyond Angel Tree

Each year, the generosity of people at GAC continues to grow. This year, with Angel Tree, we received gifts for 49 children from 24 families. Angel Tree is an organization that receives the names of local children with an incarcerated father or mother who is unable to be with their child for Christmas. The gifts are given to the children as a gift from their parents. The Carson Discipleship Family organized the gift collection and, with the help of others, delivered all the gifts.

Operation Shoebox ministry this year boxed up and sent out over 160 boxes, with the Dodson DF setting up the table and delivering the boxes to the pickup location. These boxes are sent overseas to needy children in difficult areas.

The Kelly Discipleship family got a list of needy families from the local guidance counselor. Using this list, they provided gifts and were able to bless the families. They had a wrapping party, and two of the families delivered the gifts. I was told, “Many tears were shed!”

The Dongilli DF ministered to our international worker in Kosovo with a gift of love, financially supporting her ministry. They also supported a local family with gifts.

The Dodson DF was able to collect gifts, household items, and appliances for a local family that moved to the area and is financially hurting. The young kids exclaimed, “Oh my, Santa,” and the expressions on their faces were priceless.

Each discipleship family has its own way of expressing the love of Jesus during this Christmas season.

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