Posts with the category “outreach”
by Jeanette Edmondston on October 18th, 2024
According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, there are approximately 12,440 living veterans in Washington County; 21,538 in Westmoreland County; and 63,057 in Allegheny County, PA. Approximately 7.5% of those vets live in poverty, according to Stasko has been a part of our church for about 4 years. Two years ago, she and her husband, Ed, started a ministry out of their... Read More
Beyond Angel Tree
by Julie Riconda on December 14th, 2023
Each year, the generosity of people at GAC continues to grow. This year, with Angel Tree, we received gifts for 49 children from 24 families. Angel Tree is an organization that receives the names of local children with an incarcerated father or mother who is unable to be with their child for Christmas. The gifts are given to the children as a gift from their parents. The Carson Discipleship Family... Read More
A Unique Perspective
by Jeanette Edmondston on December 22nd, 2022
Frequently when talking about Thanksgiving, the ideas that come to my mind are two extremes…A generous meal around a large dinner table with family and friendsVolunteering with an organization to serve a meal in a soup kitchen to homeless people in NEEDWhat really defines NEED though can be relative and may require an adjustment of our understanding.This year, the Bag Brigade served approximately ... Read More
Being Present
by Jeanette Edmondston on September 2nd, 2022
This summer, one of our Discipleship Families decided to set up a table at the weekly Monongahela Area Farmer’s Market. They called the table THE HOPE DEPOT. There they offered to pray for people or to have them fill out a prayer request card. Each week 10-20 people stopped by to be prayed for or just to talk. Some were believers, but many were people who were just hurting. The market organizers w... Read More
Discipleship Family has First Responder's Breakfast
by Jeanette Edmondston on October 11th, 2021
On September 25, 2021 Gospel Alliance had a contingent of first responders show up at the front doors of the building. It was not in response to a big emergency and it was not a surprise to one of our Discipleship Families (DF). One of our DFs held an appreciation breakfast for the local first responders which included fire, police, and emergency medical departments. All three services were repre... Read More