Posts with the category “testimony”
by Anonymous GAC Member on May 15th, 2024
I learned that Jesus died on the cross for my sins when I was a child, and I accepted Him into my heart as my Lord and Savior when I was young. I was also fortunate enough to have parents who believed in God too, and they took me to church every Sunday and made sure that I was able to participate in any church activities that I wanted to. My entire childhood and early teen years, I truly followed ... Read More
by Anonymous GAC Member on March 14th, 2024
Daughter of the KingI was the youngest of four children, and the only girl. This should have made me feel special, but it didn't. I was a very shy, quiet, and insecure little girl. I only felt secure when I was with my mom because she was my main caregiver. My dad was rarely home and didn't interact much with his children. When he did come home, he would stay for such a short time, all I remember ... Read More
by Anonymous GAC Member on February 15th, 2024
My story is fairly simple, and it spans 72 years. I was born into a Catholic environment. I attended a Catholic school and church through eighth grade. I went to church on Sunday and was taught about God, the Trinity, heaven, hell, and sin. I continued to attend Catholic church on Sundays as I grew into an adult. I grew up with only a mother and lacked the guidance of a father. Mom and dad split u... Read More
by Anonymous GAC Attendee on January 4th, 2024
The story of how I came to faith does not have a knock your socks off moment. In fact, I don't recall any memories of becoming a Christian. I just assumed I was because I was Catholic. However, years later I would realize your heritage does not make you right with God, but your relationship does through repentance.I was born in the small town of Elizabeth, Pennsylvania in 1952, and raised by godly... Read More
by Anonymous GAC Attendee on November 9th, 2023
My family growing up consisted of my older sister, me, my younger brother, my mom, and my dad. My dad was a construction worker and a member of the PA National Guard, and my mom worked at the local Mini Mart. My mom took us kids to church every time the doors were open. My dad only went on occasion, but he always made sure we accompanied my mom. I must admit I didn’t enjoy going, and I made sure m... Read More