Wax Cold, Wax Hot
on October 20th, 2023
The words “waxing cold” came to my mind as I sat to write this. That phrase comes from the King James Version of the Bible in Matthew 24:12. “And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” The NIV translates this passage, “Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold,” it continues in verse 13, “but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.” ...  Read More
on September 15th, 2023
Have you ever watched Shark Week on the Discovery Channel?Did you know Shark Week originally premiered in 1988?Here’s a funny story. I was terrified of sharks, not that there were many sharks in my world in Bethel Park, PA, at age 3. I most likely saw a commercial for the movie Jaws or I happened to be in the room when the movie was on (unbeknownst to my parents). When a trip to Lake Erie was plan...  Read More
A Unique Perspective
on December 22nd, 2022
Frequently when talking about Thanksgiving, the ideas that come to my mind are two extremes…A generous meal around a large dinner table with family and friendsVolunteering with an organization to serve a meal in a soup kitchen to homeless people in NEEDWhat really defines NEED though can be relative and may require an adjustment of our understanding.This year, the Bag Brigade served approximately ...  Read More
Being Present
on September 2nd, 2022
This summer, one of our Discipleship Families decided to set up a table at the weekly Monongahela Area Farmer’s Market. They called the table THE HOPE DEPOT. There they offered to pray for people or to have them fill out a prayer request card. Each week 10-20 people stopped by to be prayed for or just to talk. Some were believers, but many were people who were just hurting. The market organizers w...  Read More
Untamed Holiness
on July 22nd, 2022
As Julie and I explored the Oregon coast we were awed by the majesty and splendor of Creation. I thought how what is created demonstrates what the Creator is like. From powerful waves crashing upon the rocky coast to a giant whale emerging from the depths, I was humbled by the majesty and splendor of God Himself. As we explored the “untamed wilderness” of the Pacific Northwest, another phrase came...  Read More
Unlearning the Learned
on June 1st, 2022
As a part-time college student, learning is part of my daily activities. But what happens when something that you have learned is not only wrong, but a lie meant to destroy? John 10:10 says that the thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. This is where I have found myself over and over and over again - married to a bunch of lies.I have believed lies that I didn’t even know were lies.I ha...  Read More
Kosovo Update
on November 2nd, 2021
You may have heard we have new partners in Kosovo!School’s in session!Praise God! The girls’ school opened in person and we have started language training. Here is a picture of the first days of school for all of us!https://storage.snappages.site/62CFV6/assets/files/scott-family.pngEliana and Malia are attending an international school called Prishtina High School. They are adjusting well and gett...  Read More
Discipleship Family has First Responder's Breakfast
on October 11th, 2021
On September 25, 2021 Gospel Alliance had a contingent of first responders show up at the front doors of the building.  It was not in response to a big emergency and it was not a surprise to one of our Discipleship Families (DF). One of our DFs held an appreciation breakfast for the local first responders which included fire, police, and emergency medical departments. All three services were repre...  Read More
When the Wind Blows
on September 23rd, 2021
I love wind chimes and have three on my back porch.  The other day I heard it making its sweet sound as the wind was blowing.  As I was enjoying the sound I realized it was a single sound and not the usual blend, it sounded as if only one was working. I didn’t think chimes could stop working so I went out to investigate.  Sure enough, I saw only one freely ringing in the wind, one I could barely ...  Read More
Kidz Camp 2021
on July 27th, 2021
Kidz Camp 2021 was filled with God's presence!The meals, snacks, games, lessons, worship, scripture verses, crafts, check in, nursery, decorations, drivers, etc. all came together for God's glory! Our team of leaders put so much of themselves into the mission of providing a fun filled environment where kids can meet Jesus, and with 81 kids, 11 did for the first time! I’m sure Miss Barb set a new r...  Read More
Biff's Healing
on July 15th, 2021
If you have ever had the pleasure of being loved by a dog, you understand how much joy they can bring to your life. For the past 4 years, we have had the honor to be owned by a 175lb lap dog, our St. Bernard named Buford, aka Biff.  Read More
Discipleship Family Encounter
on April 20th, 2021
When ministry is part of everyday life sharing our faith becomes real. A couple weeks ago we were with our Discipleship Family celebrating a birthday at La Eda’s.   One of the fun things we do as a DF is go out to eat and look for some way to bless someone we encounter.  Our waitress was fun and we all seemed to connect with her, she had us all sing “Happy Birthday” to the birthday boy and she was...  Read More